COSA Deadline Extended to 12/02: Vegetation Lead positions at RMNP

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hi COSA Community,

Our application deadline has been extended for multiple Rocky Mountain National Park GS-06/07 Bio Tech Lead positions. APPLY HERE: Bio Sci Tech (Plants) GS-06/07 through the end of this week (12/02/22 at 11:59pm ET)
Our lead season is typically mid-April through late-September/early-October. Lead positions include: Backcountry Invasives Management lead, Frontcountry Revegetation and Invasives lead, Greenhouse and Nursery lead, Vegetation Volunteer Coordinator lead, Conservation Corps Projects lead, and a Rare Plant Survey and Compliance lead.

Our GS-05 crew member positions are also still hiring, open until 11/29/22 or when the applicant limit is reached. APPLY HERE: Bio Sci Tech (Plants) GS-05

Please reach out at ann_mills with any questions.


Ann Mills
Invasive Plant Management Lead
Rocky Mountain National Park
Regular Work Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M to 3:30 P.M