COSA 2023 Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants conference – Registratio n is open now!

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Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference: Climate Resilience

Saturday, February 25th, 2023: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Register now for this virtual event!

What’s the buzz about native plants? Find out at the 8th Annual Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference! Experts in horticulture, ecology, and landscape design share how to plan, plant, and maintain beautiful and biodiverse native landscapes from the ground up. With the theme of climate resilient landscapes, this year’s conference offers inspiration and insight to both novice and experienced gardeners.

The conference will be online to allow participation throughout the state and beyond. Recordings of the speakers’ presentations will be available for registrants to view after the event as well. All classes are eligible for CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified Technician recertification.

Featured speakers include:

David Inouye, PhD, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory – Keynote Speaker: “Native Plant Response to Climate Change”

Deryn Davidson, Colorado State University (CSU) Extension – “Making Room for Natives: Non-Functional Turfgrass Removal 101”

Allisa Linfield, CSU graduate student – “Enhancing Container-grown Native Plants”

Irene Shonle, PhD, CSU Extension – “Low-water, low-maintenance native plants to replace your lawn”

Kyle Ruszkowski, CSU graduate student – “Colorado Native Plants as Pollinator Forage in Urban Systems”

Mikl Brawner, Harlequin’s Gardens – “Grow More Native Trees”

Jessica Anderson, Parks and Recreation, City and County of Denver – “Creating Climate Resilient Park Spaces in Denver”

Kenton Seth, Paintbrush Gardens – “How to Leverage No-water Garden Systems”

Register now for this virtual event at:

Contact the Conference Planning Committee at LWCNPConference for more information.

We hope to see you there!

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference is a collaborative, educational initiative that promotes the inclusion of native plants in our landscaping to benefit pollinators and songbirds, save water, and restore the beauty and health of nature in the places we live, work, and play. The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference is brought to you by Butterfly Pavilion, Colorado State University Extension and the Colorado Native Plant Master Program®, the Colorado Native Plant Society, the Denver Botanic Gardens, the Wild Ones Front Range Chapter, the High Plains Environmental Center, and Susan J. Tweit, author and plant ecologist.

Amy Yarger

Horticulture Director
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Schedule: Sun-Thurs

Butterfly Pavilion
6252 W. 104th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80020

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