COSA Conservation Storyteller and Conservation Fundraising Specialist Job Openings (Remote)

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hi All,

The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is seeking applicants for two different remote positions, a conservation storyteller and conservation fundraising specialist. Below, I have attached a brief description and an application link. If there’s anyone you think would be a good fit for these positions, please forward this email along. Thank you in advance.

Conservation Storyteller

Application Link –

This person will seek out and share both large and small stories about the NWTF’s mission work benefiting communities, people, wildlife conservation, landscape-level habitat restoration, and efforts to preserve the lifestyle and soul of the American hunter, primarily telling stories in the Western U.S. The individual must live within the Western U.S.

Conservation Fundraising Specialist
Application Link –
This position is responsible for elevating the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) by securing revenue and growing membership in support of the mission and current large-scale conservation initiatives in the state of Colorado, through collaboration with the Western Director of Development, Colorado NWTF conservation staff, current volunteers and by personally recruiting new members through event fundraising growth and philanthropic giving. This Position is also responsible for organizing and servicing all current NWTF committees and fundraising events/activities within Colorado.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Dowling

National Wild Turkey Federation