COSA COSA on Colorado Gives Day

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA Members and Supporters,

Happy Colorado Gives Day! As you consider contributing to your favorite non-profit or charitable organizations today, please consider a gift to COSA. We know that you work tirelessly every day to make sure open spaces and natural areas are at the heart of our communities. Your work ensures that special places, trails, waterways, and agricultural lands are protected and that every Coloradoan has access to high quality open spaces to recreate and find respite.

Today, every donation, big and small, supports COSA’s work to connect open space agencies. Together, we share best practices, connect open space staff and supporters to one another, and celebrate the conservation of open space lands throughout Colorado. Donations received today at will be amplified by community supporters.

Thank you for being a part of the COSA community and supporting our invaluable network of open space agencies.

Our Best,

The COSA Steering Committee