COSA EXTERNAL Adopted Lyons Comprehensive Plan

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Apologies, everyone. Please ignore and delete this email. I’m not sure how I made this error, but clearly I did.


From: Whisman, Janis – via list <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 2:32 PM
To: Whisman, Janis <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: [COSA] Adopted Lyons Comprehensive Plan

Thanks, Hannah.

Here are my notes from our conversation this morning

  1. County open space, county CE properties and option properties: Excise these from the town’s planning area boundary in the new IGA map. Even though the town’s new plan includes some open space, the IGA map should exclude those areas, unless the county wants to agree in the IGA that those areas will continue to be open space and under the county’s sole jurisdiction. (I’ve pasted a quick map of the area below you can use to compare open space to the town’s map if desired.) Properties we’d consider excising include:
    1. Dowe Flats-CEMEX (everything north of Highway 66 where the county has options to buy those properties and intends to do so by late 2024 and early 2025).
    2. Braly CE properties* (2 parcels, one shown in a purple color indicating “Light Industrial/Flex”).
    3. Bullock CE property* (shown in red and the east-most red ‘finger’ on Lyon’s map just south of Highway 66).
    4. Bullock, Wallace, and Western Mobile (county-owned open space properties east of the Braly CE properties).
    5. CEMEX-Silica Quarry (county-owned 40 acres, not the part CEMEX still owns)
    6. And potentially others, too, because I haven’t done an exhaustive review.

* Erica asked for the CEs, so I’ve enclosed them. If anyone wants to know more about these properties, feel free to contact me.

  1. Trail connections: We discussed these things that will be helpful to keep in mind:
  • Therese mentioned the town asking the county to help fund the trail extension from town to Highway 36.
  • I mentioned that the red area east of Highway 36 and south of Highway 66 are important for making the Lyons-to-Longmont trail connection. We at Parks & Open Space are not pursuing land in that area because the town has the lead in making a trail connection happen as it considers uses for that red area.
  • I mentioned that we do need to keep a trail connection across CEMEX in mind for making that Lyons-to-Longmont trail happen, so agreeing for the area along the creek to be in Lyons’ planning area might not work unless the IGA confirms Lyons would make that connection happen eventually.
  1. CEMEX property south of Highway 66: We noted that Lyons is wanting more area for its Future Opportunity Area, which may be important because the floodplain now extends into the hatched, yellow, and purple areas on the CEMEX IGA map, and we talked about these principles to keep in mind:
  • Development should be east of the Feeder Canal.
  • Development should be in already disturbed areas.
  • Concrete from the buildings should be recycled before being buried, and if buried on site, should be in disturbed areas or perhaps could be used to fill in the contaminated pond (the one at the SE corner) or ponds (if the other pond/s on the property are also contaminated).

Additional thoughts after we met:

1. Flood Buyouts – These things may be useful to consider:

· The county has already deeded the Martin flood buyout property to Lyons at its request. (If it comes up, the delay between the town’s request and getting that done was merely a delay in getting the request conveyed to Parks & Open Space.)

· We’re ready to deed 10 more to Lyons! The county has been asking Lyons to take the 10 flood buyout properties in the Apple Valley area. Is there a possibility of getting Lyons to agree to take them via the new IGA? The town is concerned about the cost of managing them, and there were disagreements among some council members about whether the town should take them, but maybe the county could get Lyons to agree to take them in exchange for the county (potentially) agreeing to let the town have more of the CEMEX property for development. The 10 are shown as open space on Lyons’ new map.

2. Lyons’ annual community requests and our mutual desire for access to Steamboat Mountain – Tina Nielsen just recently sent me the enclosed request from Lyons about a number of things it wants from the county regarding open space. One of these is public access to Steamboat Mountain. That’s tough to find because it’s surrounded by private property. Here is a potential nonstarter or crazy idea, but is there a way for the town to adopt as public a portion of the private road going north from town to the east side of the mountain? That could be a feasible way to get access for the public and help the neighbors in that are with maintenance on that portion of the road (which I’ve heard they’d appreciate).

Perhaps I’ve missed something and I’m sure this isn’t a comprehensive list of what to think about for Parks & Open Space, so thanks for keeping Therese and me in the loop as conversations progress.



Janis Whisman (she/her)

Real Estate Division Manager
Boulder County Parks & Open Space

5201 St. Vrain Road, Bldg 1, Longmont, CO 80501

303-678-6263 jwhisman

Normal Work Schedule: M-F 8-4:30

From: Hippely, Hannah <hhippely>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 10:22 AM
To: Whisman, Janis <jwhisman>; Glowacki, Therese <tglowacki>; Case, Dale <dcase>; Sanchez, Kimberly <ksanchez>; Rogers, Erica <erogers>; Pearlman, Ben <bpearlman>
Subject: Adopted Lyons Comprehensive Plan

Good Morning,

I reached out to the Lyons planner yesterday regarding the status of their Comprehensive Plan and he let me know that it has been adopted and sent a link.–Lyons-Thrive-Comprehensive-Plan

I’ll add this to our Teams channel for IGAs.


Hannah L. Hippely | Long Range Planning Division Manager

Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting

Service Hours:8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and 10 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Tuesday

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306

Phone: Direct 720-564-2298 | Main 303-441-3930


The Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is open to the public on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments are available on Tuesday but are not required