COSA Sign-on letter to support SB 23-103: Updates to the Colorado Recreat ion Use Statute

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA!

Attached here is a sign-on letter addressed to the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee urging their support for SB 23-103, Updates to the Colorado Recreation Use Statute. Largely, this bill aims to revise portions of the CRUS to provide greater liability protection to private landowners who allow free public outdoor recreation access on their land. I have attached a quick guide that highlights the primary changes.

If you would like to add your name to the list of supporters, please email me your name, position title, organization name, and logo (optional).

Unfortunately, we have a very short turnaround for organizational sign-on as the first committee hearing for this bill is 3/1. Please let me know by 12:00 noon on 2/28 (Tuesday) if you would like to add your organization.


Kendall Chastain

Conservation Manager

She/Her/Hers –-> learn more about pronouns


kendallchastain710 10th Street, Suite 200
Golden, CO 80401
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SB 23-103 Sign-On Support Letter.pdf

CRUS Fast Facts.pdf