COSA Job opening: Applied Climate Science Fellow with TNC-Colorado

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

COSA Community,

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Colorado is hiring a new Applied Climate Science Fellow position to work at the intersection of the renewable energy transition, climate change, and biodiversity conservation – reflecting TNC’s commitment to tackle both the climate and biodiversity crises as the greatest conservation challenges of our time. This is a two-year, term-limited position on the Conservation Science & Planning Team with full benefits and funding for travel, professional development, and publications. The estimated starting salary is $81,000-$84,000/year, depending on qualifications and experience. The position will be based out of TNC’s office in Boulder, CO with an option for hybrid work arrangements. The estimated start date for the position is June 1, 2023.

While Colorado’s rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is critical for meeting state and national climate goals, construction of new renewable energy infrastructure has the potential to negatively impact native species, habitats, and climate-resilient landscapes if not carefully sited. Estimates of the impacts and tradeoffs associated with accelerating renewable energy development can be used to proactively refine conservation strategies, in support of achieving both renewable energy and conservation goals in a given landscape. Specifically, the Applied Climate Science Fellow will:

  • identify plausible renewable energy buildout scenarios for Eastern Colorado that also consider other stressors on biodiversity, such as climate change;
  • lead an analysis to forecast the likely impacts of these scenarios on priority conservation landscapes (e.g., the Southern High Plains, TNC’s Resilient & Connected Network, etc.);
  • work with TNC staff and external experts/stakeholders to evaluate whether current TNC conservation strategies will be sufficient for ensuring regional biodiversity and habitat protection goals can be met in the face of accelerating renewable energy development, ongoing climate change, and potentially other stressors; and
  • help develop recommendations for refinements to our conservation strategies, based on the outcome of the evaluation.

Although you’ll see requirements in TNC’s postings, we recognize that people come with talent and experiences outside of a job. Passion, innovation, and diversity are all key components to advancing our Mission and we encourage applications even if you do not have all of the desired qualifications listed. Even if you are not interested in applying, we’d really appreciate your assistance in sharing this unique position widely through your networks.

The full position description is attached, and those interested in applying can submit materials online by using the Apply Now button at applyhelp.



Drew Rayburn, Ph.D. | Director of Conservation Science and Planning | The Nature Conservancy in Colorado | drew.rayburn | C: +1 530 723 3233

Position Description – COFO Applied Climate Science Fellow.pdf