Hello COSA Colleagues,
Boulder County Parks & Open Space has a Land Officer position available. Here is the link to the job announcement: 5189(LD1)-Land Officer. This opening closes on April 9at midnight.
Please pass this along to anyone you know who may be interested.
We encourage all who are interested to apply!
Thank you,
Janis Whisman (she/her)
Real Estate Division Manager
Boulder County Parks & Open Space
5201 St. Vrain Road, Bldg 1, Longmont, CO 80501
303-678-6263 jwhisman
Normal Work Schedule: M-F 8-4:30
Leading the way to exceptional open space! |
New: Boulder County has a new website: BoulderCounty.gov! Bookmark it today. Email addresses will transition at a later date.
Nuevo: ¡El condado de Boulder tiene un nuevo sitio web: BoulderCounty.gov! Márcalo hoy. Los correos electrónicos harán la transición en una fecha posterior.