COSA Avian Field Biologist Position

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Smith Environmental and Engineering is seeking to hire a seasonal environmental scientist with experience in avian biology. Primary responsibilities include migratory bird nest surveys, burrowing owl surveys, and raptor nest monitoring. The selected candidate will also assist with noxious weed management and prairie dog management as needed. Pay range is $19-21/hour depending on experience.
• Must have 3 years (or seasons) of field experience searching for migratory bird nests or experience conducting similar surveys. • Knowledge of regional birds. • Ability to interpret topographic maps and aerial photographs. • Experience using Trimble GPS units and ArcGIS or similar units and software. • Experience safely operating an ATV. • Must have a bachelor’s degree in wildlife management or related field. • Must possess a valid driver’s license and clean driving record. • General knowledge of Colorado’s noxious weeds. • Willing to safely work around and with toxic chemicals (pesticides). • Willing to humanely euthanize prairie dogs to donate to a raptor rehabilitation center. • Must work well alone and as part of a team. • Must be able to pass a drug screen and background check.

This position will go through August with the possibility of extending into a full-time position. Review of applications will begin immediately. To apply please submit a cover letter, CV/resume, and contact information for three references to Rebecca Hannon (rebeccahannon).

Rebecca Hannon

Environmental Scientist III/Project Manager


Smith Environmental and Engineering

250 Perry Lane

Dacono, CO 80514

Desk: 303.551.7983

Mobile: 913.626.8008


See our introductory video here!