COSA Boulder Valley and Longmont Conservation Districts are Hiring

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good morning –

BVLCD is excited to announce we are looking for a District Conservation Technician. This position will work primarily with agricultural producers who are interested in conserving natural resources, such as soil and water, on their properties.

Please see the attached job announcement for more details, and feel free to distribute to anyone who might be interested.

Applications are due by June 23, 2023. Details can be found in the attachment.


Vanessa McCracken
District Manager
Boulder Valley and Longmont Conservation Districts
9595 Nelson Road, Suite D
Longmont, CO 80501
720.378.5521 (o)
720.815.8842 (m)
bldrvalleyandlongmontcds (Business)

check out our new website!

"You can’t save the land without saving the people, to save either you have to save both." – Wendell Berry

DCT Job Description_May 2023_Final.pdf