COSA Hiring: MHYC Climate Focused Programs

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good afternoon!

Mile High Youth Corps is now accepting applications for two climate change-focused positions. They are as follows:

Summer to Fall Climate Action Corpsmember

About the position: Mile High Youth Corps is a nonprofit social enterprise program powered by Corpsmembers; complete a Term of Service with our Colorado Climate Corps program. This is a team based, 11 to 26 week-long program. Climate Action Corpsmembers will serve Metro Denver residents by installing in-home energy and water saving measures (low-flow toilets, kitchen and bathroom aerators, programmable thermostats, and LED light bulbs). Corpsmembers will serve in teams of 2-3 to complete daily household appointments using MHYC provided vehicles, toolkits, and materials. They will also educate the community on the importance of climate action and energy and water conservation. Corpsmembers will receive education and training that offers leadership development, technical skill-building, and career readiness through industry recognized certificates. We support you as you explore your future goals and career pathways!

Summer to Fall Community Climate Action Corpsmember (Energy and Water)

About the position: Complete a term of service as a Community Climate Education Corpsmember with our Energy & Water Conservation program. This is a team-based, 48 week-long program. Corpsmembers will help to create and implement a new public outreach and engagement project alongside Denver’s Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency office. Corpsmembers will serve as community outreach representatives, create outreach strategies, and connect with local residents at community events and in their households. Corpsmembers will educate the community on the importance of climate action and provide climate action solutions to neighborhoods most at need. *Denver Residents are strongly encouraged to apply*

If you know any young adults (18 to 24 years old) who are passionate about protecting the planet and would like to be paid to complete community-based environmental projects, look no further than MHYC!

More details are in the position descriptions attached.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Tierni Chun (she/her)

Youth and Community Engagement Coordinator | Mile High Youth Corps

Cell: (719) 822-3237

Office: (719) 630-7421

417 E Vermijo Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

2023 CC CM – Late Summer. Fall-final.pdf

SUMMER FALL 2023 Climate Ambassador CM 7.6.23.pdf