COSA Recording of CPW’s new tool for developing seed mixes in Colorado

Hi everyone,

Here is a recording of the training advertised last month that was hosted by CSU Extension Specialist Retta Bruegger. I know many of you couldn’t make it and asked for a link. You can see it here

You can also contact Danielle Bilyeu Johnston and Dani Neumann directly with questions. They are the ones who developed the tool so have more insight onto how it might overlap with other projects you mention. Contact info is: Danielle danielle.bilyeu; danielle.neumann

Thanks so much!


Kerri Rollins

Regional Director, Front Range Region

Office of Engagement and Extension | Colorado State University

Address. 4040 Campus Delivery, 1311 S College Ave. | Fort Collins, CO 80523

Phone: (970) 491-1905 Cell: (970) 231-9365


An equal access and equal opportunity University.

discrimination. Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating.