COSA Fellowship Opportunity in the Colorado River Basin

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community,

The National Forest Foundation is pleased to announce a graduate-student fellowship position in the greater Colorado River Basin area in 2024. Please see more details below and feel free to share with your networks. The application closes on February 4, 2024.

Thank you!

2024 Conservation Connect Fellowship Opportunity
Each year the National Forest Foundation (NFF) hosts a small group of exceptional graduate students pursuing advanced studies in conservation, natural resources management, and related fields. The goal of the Conservation Connect Fellowship Program is to build experience, knowledge, and skills within the next generation of collaborative and conservation leaders. To learn more and apply, visit 

· Must be enrolled in a graduate program during the ’24-25 academic year

· Fellows are paid $20/hour for up to 300 hours of work

· Fellowships start in May 2024 and end in April 2025; exact timeframes depend on specific projects

· Application deadline is February 4, 2024

Featured Project
Where’s the Water?

Visualizing NFF’s water initiatives within the Colorado River Basin and beyond

The Conservation Connect Water Fellow will focus on improving NFF’s visual communications and information related to water-related initiatives, including payment for watershed services projects, low-tech process-based restoration projects and water replenishment projects. The objective will be to define how NFF can display the breadth of project related activities using ArcGIS tools to enhance mapping and visual storytelling, with the output being displayed on the NFF website Watershed Services section (to be created). The fellow will support the development of the mapping product and populate it with the projects in the Colorado River Basin Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (LTPBR) project portfolio. The output will underpin the redevelopment of the Watershed Services section of the NFF website, to which the fellow will also contribute in terms of general design ideas and other forms of digital content. Candidates should be familiar with ArcPro, StoryMapping and general concepts of storytelling, have a basic environmental background or interest, and possess strong interpersonal skills and attention to detail.

The majority of this fellowship will take place between May and November 2024 (flexible within this time frame). This position is remote, though fellows in the Colorado River Basin will have the opportunity to attend in-person meetings and events.

Learn More
Other opportunities:

The NFF is pleased to offer 11 fellowship spots for 2024. Projects range from storytelling to GIS mapping to diversifying grant programs and more! Click here to see all projects and to apply.

The National Forest Foundation welcomes a diverse pool of applicants and maintains a policy of nondiscrimination.

Please contact Jane Mandala, Conservation Connect Associate, with any questions:

jmandala • (406) 830-4795

Adde Sharp

Colorado River Watershed Project Coordinator, Rocky Mountain Region – National Forest Foundation

Mobile: 970.406.1296

asharp |