COSA virtual meeting; Colorado Northern Leopard Frog Working Group, Fri 2/ 16

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA, I am forwarding this on behalf of Joe Ehrenberger, please reach out to him if you have any questions about this virtual event. Thanks, Will

THANK YOU for Saving the Date! It is almost time…

Please share this meeting within and outside your organization as appropriate.

Please Participate! – We have a limited number of open speaking spaces available and invite you to share your efforts towards Northern Leopard Frog conservation and management. We may have a 10min timeslot for you to share your efforts – please contact me by 2/12 (at the latest) to reserve your space.

Do you want to participate? Have suggestions? Please reach out to joseph.ehrenberger for more information.

WHO: The Colorado Northern Leopard Frog Working Group is a newer group consisting of partners managing this species and mitigating its threats. Thank you to our Front Range partners who have already agreed to participate. We are further grateful to our colleagues from outside of Colorado for joining us and sharing their efforts. Here’s glimpse of what to expect:

  • Towards statewide survey methods – Waverly Davis (Colorado Parks & Wildlife / Colorado State University)
  • West slope bullfrog control – Denita Weeks (Colorado Mesa University)
  • Controlling cattails and bullfrogs – Will Keeley and Ryan Prioreschi (City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks)
  • Northern leopard frog headstarting and translocation – Sarah Heerhartz (Boulder County Parks and Open Space)
  • Efforts in Arizona – Arizona Game & Fish
  • Surveying stability in Wyoming – Wyoming Game & Fish
  • Regional updates and opportunities – New Mexico Game & Fish; Nebraska Game & Parks
  • Conservation and Adaptation Resources Toolbox (CART; formerly CCAST)
  • Big news advancing statewide efforts and coordination – Colorado Parks & Wildlife
  • …and more!!!

WHAT: Front Range agencies and partners have met quarterly since January 2019, and this is the first statewide / regional annual meeting for our group. This is a virtual event via Zoom.

What this isn’t: This is our effort to communicate with you and your agency. Although we will have more structure during this day-long event than our typical meetings, we continue to seek a free-flow of information. If you cannot make it, then no worries as we will capture notes and help connect you to the best partners for aiding your efforts. (Please register on Zoom so we know who to expect…no additional registration, fees, or waivers required.) This meeting will be recorded unless we are requested not to for specific portions.

WHY: This statewide annual event provides communication opportunities for our partners to share successes and challenges, as well as gaining insights from regional experts.

WHEN: Friday, February 16, 2024, from 8:30am-4:30pm

HOW: via Zoom – Clink the link below and please register NOW. Zoom will allow you to enter at around 8am and our Welcome and Introduction will begin at 8:30am.

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