COSA City of Boulder OSMP Water Resources Technician Position

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good Afternoon,

The City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) department is accepting applications for temporary Water Resources Technician positions. This is a great opportunity to join the OSMP Agriculture and Water Stewardship team and help restore and maintain OSMP’s agricultural properties and diverse and unique natural resources. The Water Resources team conducts maintenance and operation of water delivery systems, including irrigation ditches, laterals and reservoirs; assists with various agricultural and irrigation infrastructure improvement projects, and performs a variety of other task integral in supplying water to Boulder’s agricultural lands.

Any questions about the position can be directed to hiring manager, Dustin Allard (Water Resources Senior Project Manager) at allardd

Please click the link below for more details and to apply:

Have a great day!

Steve Zweber

Water Resources Maintenance & Fuels

Mitigation Program Manager

(720) 402-7531
