COSA Park Ranger Supervisor Positions – City of Aurora

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community,

The City of Aurora is currently seeking experienced and qualified applicants for two open Park Ranger Supervisor positions. One Supervisor will be based at the Aurora Reservoir and the other based in our Open Space, Trails and Urban Parks.

The City of Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space department manages sites, facilities, amenities and resources in over 8,000 acres of open space and over 100 developed parks, including over 100 miles of trails and 2 water supply reservoirs (Aurora and Quincy).

The Park Ranger Supervisor must be able to work evenings, weekends and holidays to provide leadership and support for functions related to public safety, rule enforcement, natural resource protection, and outreach/interpretive programming that are provided to park visitors. This position will assist in hiring, managing, and coordination of all full-time and seasonal staff resources including Park Rangers, Aquatic Nuisance Species inspectors, and Lifeguards.

A full list of experiences, requirements and qualifications are listed in the job announcement. We hope you will consider this exciting opportunity to lead our park ranger team!

For more information and to apply: City of Aurora Careers (

This posting will close on Friday February 23, 2024

Mike Bonham

Open Space Superintendent

Park Ranger and Reservoir Administration

Open Space and Natural Resources | City of Aurora
Ranger Office 303-326-8430

Reservoir Office 303-326-8425

Desk 303-326-8422

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