COSA BVLCD is Hiring a Seasonal Med Sage Coordinator

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hi COSA community!

The Boulder Valley and Longmont Conservation Districts are hiring a Mediterranean Sage Eradication Summer Field Coordinator position for the 2024 field season (May-August).

This position will be responsible for managing our Mediterranean Sage program. Primary duties will include: contacting private landowners, implementing mechanical and chemical weed control, and creating maps to document weed presence and weed removal. For more information, please see the attached job description.

Please send application materials and questions to bldrvalleyandlongmontcds. The position will remain open until filled.

Thank you!
Hania Oleszak | Agricultural Resource Specialist Boulder Valley and Longmont Conservation Districts

BVLCD Med Sage Coordinator Position 2024.pdf