COSA City of Boulder Open Space Mountain Parks Hiring a Seasonal Wetland E cology Technician

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community,

The City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) is recruiting for a seasonal Wetland Ecology Technician position. The closing date for applications is April 13th.

The Wetland Ecology Technician will support and assist the Wetland and Riparian Ecology Program in field-based data collection and monitoring aimed at understanding the extent, location, and condition of wetland and riparian areas on City of Boulder OSMP lands. The primary role of the Wetland Ecology Technician is to conduct field work (85-90%), including QA/QC on National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping, quantitative vegetation sampling, plant identification, and mitigation monitoring. Additional indoor responsibilities (10-15%) may include managing equipment, preparing maps, data entry and QA/QC, and assisting with related research, analysis, reporting as required. The position provides a unique opportunity to gain hands on experience with Colorado front range wetland and riparian ecosystems.

We are looking for candidates who have the following skills/experience:

  • A bachelor’s degree in wetland ecology, riparian ecology, natural resource management, ecology, botany, biology, hydrology, environmental science, water resources, or related field
  • A minimum of two years of work experience in the field of wetland or riparian ecology.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience with wetland and riparian ecology, preferably in the Western High Plains and/or Rocky Mountain Front Range Foothills ecosystems.
  • Demonstrated ability to correctly identify Rocky Mountain front Range plants and/or the ability to use a dichotomous plant identification key to identify wetland and riparian vegetation.
  • Effective problem-solving skills and the ability to organize and execute multiple activities and priorities.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

For more information and to apply, please see this link:


Cat McIntyre
Sr. Wetland and Riparian Ecologist


C: 303.518.5794

Open Space and Mountain Parks Department
2520 55th Street | Boulder, CO 80301