COSA City of Fort Collins Sr Supervisors (2) – Ecological Stewardship

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good Morning COSA Colleagues,

The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is looking to two individuals to serve Sr. Supervisor roles within the Ecological Stewardship work group. One Sr. Supervisor position will focus on initial restoration work, noxious weed and vegetation management, and coordinating the City’s West Nile Virus program. The second Sr. Supervisor position will focus on developing an adaptive management approach to our stewardship work. This will include coordinating a variety of soils, vegetation, and wildlife work to inform management decisions, developing capacity for landscape-level management such as grazing and prescribed fire, and assisting with conservation agriculture work.

More information on both positions can be found at the link above.

Take care and have a great week!


Matt Parker

Ecological Stewarship Manager

Natural Areas Department

City of Fort Collins
