COSA Want to help improve knowledge on inclusivity in the outdoors?

Want to help improve knowledge on inclusivity in the outdoors?

We are recruiting individuals for a study called “Understanding Stress Recovery and Barriers to Access of Outdoor Immersion within LGBTQ+ Populations” at Colorado State University.

This study examines how spending time in different environments can affect stress responses and mood. This study also aims to increase our understanding of improving inclusivity in outdoor recreation and nature immersion for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The study will take place in-person at an indoor/outdoor facility in Fort Collins and will last approximately 3 hours. You will be compensated $60 for your participation.

You must be older than 18, be fluent in English, and self-identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community in order to participate in the study

Please contact Sara-Ashley Collins (saraashc) for more information about the study! Thank you!

If you would like to participate, please fill out this survey