COSA 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) Input Opportunity

Dear COSA community,

As you may know, we have begun the planning process for our 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan. We are asking for your input on our initial steps to define the purpose of this revision and draft a process for selecting Species of Greatest Conservation Need.

The information below will be shared with a variety of stakeholders and you are welcome to pass it on to anyone you think may be interested.

Kacie Miller

State Wildlife Action Plan Coordinator

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Signature Logo


6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216

kacie.miller |


State Wildlife Action Plan

2025 Revision

The draft 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is due to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service by September 30, 2025. CPW is working closely with the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) on the development of the SWAP. Feedback on initial work, including the criteria for selecting the Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN), is being accepted from June 11 through July 9, 2024.

What is a State Wildlife Action Plan?

State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAP) guide the conservation of a state’s most vulnerable species and the habitats they depend on. An updated SWAP is required every 10 years for federal funding eligibility via the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants (SWG) program.

What is happening now with the SWAP?

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is seeking feedback on the draft process to select the Species of Greatest Conservation Need to help determine which species are a conservation priority in the 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan.

Feedback is being accepted online via the EngageCPW website from June 11- July 9, 2024.