COSA Eagle County Conservation Project Manager-Open Space and Natural Reso urces

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Eagle County Open Space and Natural Resources is pleased to announce the Conservation Project Manager or Senior Conservation Project Manager.
Reporting to the Director of Open Space and Natural Resources, the Conservation Project Manager* supervises the acquisition of real estate and conservation easements for the Open Space Department.
Responsibilities include managing appraisals, negotiations, and purchases of properties, as well as overseeing conservation projects. Additionally, the role involves planning, applying for grants, developing and expanding OSNR partnerships, and ensuring projects are completed within budget and on schedule. Future duties may include supervising volunteers. This position requires attendance at occasional evening meetings.

* Ideal candidate has experience with conservation real estate deals and/or paralegal or legal experience to close real estate transactions.

Feel free to reach out with questions-Marcia Gilles marcia.gilles

Thank you
Marcia Gilles
Director Open Space and Natural Resources
(o) 970-328-8697

(c) 970-230-1583Open Space and Natural Resources


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