COSA Invasive Woody Plant Social Science Report from Playa Lakes Joint Ven ture

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA community,

interested in brush management or prescribed fire on the high plains?

We’re excited to share PLJV’s Invasive Woody Plant Social Science Report, which summarizes data collected from our interviews and focus groups in Kansas and Oklahoma regarding landowners’ motivations, barriers, and needs for conducting invasive woody plant management. This is the second product from our NRCS National Conservation Innovation Grant meant to integrate social science and communications to drive brush management.

If you have any questions regarding the report, please contact our Invasive Woody Plant CIG team:

Ryan Roberts, Social Science Specialist

Lindsay Shorter, Grassland Conservation Marketing Manager

Or myself,


Stephen Chang (he/him)

GIS Analyst
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
