COSA Staff Housing Information for Open Space Programs

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

COSA community:

The City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is seeking input regarding staff housing.

Increasing housing costs, greater staff interest in employee housing and recent acquisitions of parcels with existing residences on them are driving our interest in providing housing. We currently have a handful of employees living in onsite housing as a condition of their employment including those in the roles of ranger, caretaker and sentinel.

If your organization offers staff housing, we would love to talk with you. We’re interested in learning more about the selection process used to determine who qualifies for housing (e.g. job type dependent), how lease rates are calculated and what expectations you have for employees living onsite. We are also curious to find out more information on if any of your programs are offering housing to staff that is not directly tied to their positions in which it is set-up as just affordable employee housing. Please contact me at areed or 970-416-2210.

Thank you for your time.

Aaron Reed
Built Infrastructure Manager

Natural Areas
City of Fort Collins
1745 Hoffman Mill Road
970-416-2210 office
