COSA The Watershed Center is seeking a short-term botany contractor

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


The Watershed Center is seeking a short-term contract botanist to assist with vegetation monitoring across Boulder County at river and forest management project sites. Forest sites are located across ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, and aspen forests and meadows between 7000-9000 feet in elevation. River sites are located near Lyons, CO, and Allenspark, CO. Ideal start date is mid-July to early August (can be flexible). Field work will last approximately 80 hours and data entry and QA/QC is expected to approximately 20 hours.

Full description and how to apply:

Please pass along to anyone you know who might be interested!

Thanks so much,


Chiara Forrester, PhD (she/her)

Forest Program Director

The Watershed Center



Give back to your watersheds!