COSA Initial call for proposals (due Sep. 30): SER World Conference on Eco logical Restoration in Denver, CO

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

COSA Community,

After 12 years of international locations, the World Conference on Ecological Restoration (SER 2025) is returning to the U.S. and will be in Denver, CO from Sep. 30 – Oct. 4, 2025. SER’s World Conference is an exciting and inspiring biennial gathering of global experts in restoration, making it the premier venue for those interested in being active members of the global restoration community. Colorado has a dynamic and impactful community of restoration planners and practitioners, and all are encouraged to consider attending the conference.

Proposals for symposiums, workshops, and training courses are now being accepted until Sep. 30, 2024. I anticipate that additional proposals for regular conference presentations and potentially other formats (e.g., posters) will accepted in the coming months, but I’ll be checking on that and will send a follow-up email to the COSA listserv as soon as possible. For now, here are links for more information:



Drew Rayburn, Ph.D. (he/him) | Director of Conservation Science and Planning | The Nature Conservancy in Colorado | drew.rayburn | C: +1 530 723 3233