COSA Support for Changing CRS 31-25-201?

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Friends,

City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department is seeking fellow agency support to change a state law. Please respond to zshark if you are interested.

Current law grants a municipality authority over land that it acquires outside its municipal limits for use as parks, parkways, boulevards, or roads. The proposed bill extends this authority to land that a municipality acquires for open space and natural areas and clarifies that it extends to all such acquired land whether it is open or closed to the public.

Fort Collins is lobbying for the changes (attached). Please respond to zshark if you would be comfortable with our lobbyist reaching out to your legislators to say that your city/county supports this law change. It doesn’t have to be official, and if you are able to take it one step further and provide a letter or email stating your support, that would be welcome, too.



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Pronouns: she/her
Community Connection & Protection Manager
Natural Areas Department

City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580, 1745 Hoffman Mill Rd.
970-221-6311 office

