COSA Greenhouse Space Sought by NOCO Native Plant Exchange

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA Community,

The NOCO Native Plant Exchange is seeking donated or low-cost greenhouse space for 3 months (March-May) in the Fort Collins or Loveland area. We grow ecotypic, native plants with volunteers to give away to the community at the annual Native Plant Exchange/Giveaway at the Xeriscape Garden Party. Our mission is to empower the community to grow & use locally native plants in their landscapes- to support wildlife habitat, conserve water and share resources. The Plant Exchange is a coalition of nonprofit conservation organizations and local government including Wildlands Restoration Volunteers, Wild Ones, People and Pollinators Network, Northern Water, Colorado Native Plant Society, League of Women Voters Habitat Pollinator Group, National Resource Conservation Service, and the City of Fort Collins.

For the past 2 years we have received a generous donation of greenhouse space from a local non-profit and as they expand their operation, we are now seeking a new growing space.

Our ideal space:

  • would fit ~ 120 flats of plants
  • heated
  • will not spray systemic insecticides
  • ok with volunteers coming to the greenhouse to do seeding/transplanting/plant checks. We would like to run sowing events on site Mar 1 and Apr 1. We would move the plants out no later than May 30.
  • We supply our own flats, pots, soil, seeds and volunteer labor to monitor and water the plants.

If you are interested in helping or have greenhouse space available, please contact Annemarie Fussell at NoCoNativeSeedSwap.

Thank you,


Emma Pett