COSA Rocky Mountain Conservancy – Seasonal Opportunities

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello all,

First off, I’d like to introduce myself as a new member of the COSA Email Group. My name is Geoff Elliot and I serve as Director of Conservation for Rocky Mountain Conservancy. The Conservancy is the non-profit partner of Rocky Mountain National Park and other public lands throughout Colorado. The Conservancy promotes stewardships of these public lands through education and philanthropy. Through this mission, the Conservancy hosts Corps-based programs for high school students (ages 14-17) and college students (ages 18-25). We are currently recruiting for several positions (staff, AmeriCorps, and internship-based) within our corps programs. I have included brief descriptions with links to more information below:

Field Coordinators (2 openings): Field Coordinators will help the Director of Conservation plan, implement, and evaluate Corps programs. This will include developing training and educational programs, conducting field visits, supervising crew work in-the-field, and providing individual feedback to crew members. For more information visit: or see attached position description. Application close date: February 28, 2018

Conservation Corps Crew Member (Ages 18-25) (28 openings): This AmeriCorps-based position serves a total of 450 hours over the course of eleven-weeks. Members will serve on crews completing conservation projects in Rocky Mountain National Park and the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. Throughout the term of service, members will also participate in leadership training, educational programming, and career development activities. Upon success completion, members will receive an AmeriCorps Education Award. This position receive a living stipend ($300/week), accommodations, and all necessary gear and work clothing for the program. Information about the Crew Member positions can be found at: or in attached announcement. Application close date: March 18, 2018

High School Leadership Corps Member (Ages 14-17) (20 openings): The High School Leadership Corps members serve two-week terms in Rocky Mountain National Park completing conservation projects with the National Park Service, participating in outdoor recreation activities, and developing leadership skills. During the two-weeks, members will camp in Rocky Mountain National Park (all gear is provided). As part of the opportunity, youth will receive work clothing and a completion stipend of $400 for their service. More information available at or attached. Application close date: April 8, 2018

Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested in these opportunities!

P.S. You can check out our programs and the work we have done at:


Geoff Elliot
Director of Conservation

970-586-3262, ext. 15

Follow us at: Conservation Corps Blog

Field Coordinators Job Decription_2018.pdf

RMC-CC Member Position Announcement.pdf

2018 High School Leadership Corps Announcement.pdf