COSA Calling all Environmental Education Leaders!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Calling all Environmental Education Leaders!

The Northeast Regional Environmental Education Leadership Council is looking for several new members to join our team and help lead the implementation of the Colorado Environmental Education Plan throughout the region. Council members drive our goal of advancing the development of EE networks and partnerships on a local level. Council members are leaders in their fields, representing formal and non-formal educators, program partners, outdoor recreation, government, and much more. Serving as a Leadership Council member is a great way to connect with key players from across the environmental education community and support EE throughout Colorado.

More information about the Northeast Council and what it means to get involved can be found in the attached document or on the CAEE website (link).

To get involved, please send an email to northeastEEleadershipcouncil by April 30th with your name, 1-2 sentences on your background and current position, and a few sentences describing why you want to get involved.

Regional Council Guiding Document – Draft (1).docx