COSA Scholarship Opportunity for Natural Resource and Outdoor Recreation E ducation

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Thanks to the generosity of former Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC) Board Member Rick Grossman and his wife Susie, VOC is able to offer two $5,000 scholarships each year to Colorado residents who have demonstrated a commitment to caring for the outdoors and intend to pursue a degree in a field related to natural resources or outdoor recreation at an accredited 2- or 4-year college in Colorado.

This scholarship is for "non-traditional" students, which typically includes postsecondary students who are 25 years or older and may, for example, have delayed college enrollment, have dependents other than a spouse, and/or are seeking a new career in environmental or nonprofit stewardship work. Applicants are also required to have engaged in at least 3 outdoor stewardship volunteer projects with any group in the last three years. Applications are currently being accepted until September 16 for this scholarship; to review eligibility criteria and apply, visit

Dan Williams

Senior Projects and Training Manager

600 South Marion Parkway
Denver, CO 80209
(Office) 303-715-1010, ext. 117
(Cell) 512-497-2092website | newsletter | map | email

Now accepting applications for 2019 stewardship projects! Submit your project and training needs by September 15.