COSA Job Posting for a Natural Resource Specialist in the City of Boulder, Colorado

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


The City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Natural Lands work group is hiring a full time, standard (includes benefits) position.

Maintenance Person IV – Natural Resource Specialist

SALARY: $20.76 – $33.23 Hourly
WORK SCHEDULE: 40 hours/week; Hours vary – typically Monday through Fridays from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. May change to four, 10 hour shifts. Some Weekends; Overtime as needed.
Under minimal supervision, to coordinate natural resource related maintenance and operations on City of Boulder Parks and Recreation natural lands including staff direction, daily coordination of activities, and to perform a variety of skilled and semi-skilled tasks in the areas of natural lands maintenance, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), wildlife management and equipment operation, and to perform related duties as required.
Performs as a lead worker by coordinating the natural lands functions including the noxious weed IPM projects, natural lands maintenance and wildlife management activities across the Parks & Recreation system to ensure safe and efficient operations, including the following:

  • Leads and directs IPM staff and operations: analyzes conditions, plans, prioritizes, assigns and coordinates duties.
  • Monitors work in progress to identify problems and to ensure organized and efficient work and quality work product including providing leadership in solving operations related problems that arise in the field.
  • Responsible for hiring, firing and training of seasonal employees.
  • Oversees training programs related to equipment safety, IPM practices, wildlife management, natural lands maintenance and others.
  • Facilitates good communication with co-workers, supervisors and the public.
  • Coordinates with supervisor to set work schedules and daily priorities for staff.
  • Implements best management practices for the removal of noxious weeds by utilizing assorted mechanical methods (digging, hand pulling, whipping, tractor and mower operation, etc.) and by chemical control (spot spraying, wicking, etc.). May assist with biological and cultural control methods
  • Performs prairie dog management tasks including surveys, colony monitoring, mapping, installing and maintaining barriers and potentially trapping and relocation.
  • Utilizes GPS technology to collect data points in the field and uses data to create maps with an ArcGIS program
  • Assists with the coordination of and performs restoration projects such as native seed collection, re-seeding, mitigation work and wildlife habitat enhancements
  • Assists with research, monitoring, and data collection associated with various natural land management tasks (IPM, wildlife, etc.), data entry and preparing of scientific reports and management plan documents
  • Assists with coordination of projects related to and field oversight of seasonal employees, youth corp, jail crew and volunteers; assists with public environmental education and outreach programs
  • Assists with minor maintenance of park infrastructure such as fencing and trails, construction and installation of signs
  • Performs various urban wildlife management tasks including surveys, addressing wildlife concerns for projects, assisting with closures and adhering to best management practices
  • Maintains records of work performed and resources utilized, assists with monitoring budgets.
  • Ensures that resource conservation techniques are implemented throughout area (recycling, composting, air and water quality protection).
  • Performs emergency response work for the city that may include; tree damage, flood response and recovery, and other emergencies.

To read the full job description and to apply, please visit To find it the fastest, type Natural Resource into the search and be sure you are applying for the Maintenance Person IV Natural Resource Specialist position.

While there, you might also want to check out our Seasonal Integrated Pest Management and Conservation Technician.

Applying for both is easy!

Please spread this far and wide.

Thank you,

Joy Master

Natural Lands Program Coordinator

O: 303-413-7261


Boulder Parks & Recreation

3198 Broadway | Boulder, CO 80304