COSA Healthy Grasslands Expo February 20, at Denver Sheraton

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA Members,

You are invited to Healthy Grasslands Expo 2019 on Thursday February 20th at the Sheraton Hotel in Denver.

  • The Expo is being coordinated with the Society for Range Management as part of their International Annual Meeting Feb 16th – 22th
  • Target audience:
  • Anyone with an interest and passion for grasslands
  • The EXPO is an outreach to professionals and non-professionals alike.
  • Open Space Professionals….. Scientists and non-scientists ………please invite your non-Open Space resource manager colleagues…….. county commissioners, open space boards/trustees, directors and stakeholders as well.
  • The speakers are some of the world’s foremost experts in the science and management of grasslands, in town attending the SRM conference
  • Morning sessions: Jeff Herrick and Pat Shaver – World renowned experts in understanding the indicators of grassland health
  • Learn about the ecological processes going on in all grasslands and how they function.
  • Learn what the indicators of the “health” of a grassland are and how to observe and recognize them.
  • Afternoon sessions:
  • The Global importance of Grasslands – presented by Bobby Gill Savory How the health of grasslands impacts the world.
  • Nourishment – Fred Provenza, renowned animal behaviorist presents his research on the inherent nutritional wisdom of animals, what animals can teach us about rediscovering our nutritional wisdom and his theory on how similar choices can improve human health.

REGISTER VIA EVENTBRITE : follow the link to Healthy Grasslands EXPO 2019 Registration is $60.00! Register by Feb 18

Downtown parking options near the Sheraton

Surface Lots:

Several websites are available to reserve parking in nearby surface lots. Prices vary but generally start at $11-15/day within a ½ mile walk, depending on when you reserve, and number of days being reserved. Enter the Sheraton Hotel address (1550 Court Place) and then you may sort and filter by distance, price, overnight parking, in and out privilege, etc.

RTD Park-N-Ride

Another option for parking farther from the Sheraton Hotel is RTD Park-N-Ride. Some locations allow free parking and others are $4/day. See website for details and map of Park-N-Ride locations. Bus or train fare will be required to navigate to the Sheraton Hotel.

Questions? Contact Rob Alexander, Boulder County Parks & Open Space; ralexander 303-678-6239