COSA Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance Partnership Survey

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


The Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance is seeking input regarding partnerships and information on existing work related to wildlife corridors and Wildlife Vehicle Collision (WVC) reduction in Colorado.

The Alliance is a multi-jurisdictional, public-private partnership, spearheaded by the Colorado Department of Transportation and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The Alliance mission is to provide safe passage for people and wildlife in Colorado. We have attached a one-page informational document so you can learn more about our efforts and activities.

We are sending a 10-minute survey to non-profits, foundations, and community organizations to help us identify a baseline of the wildlife connectivity and/or WVC work currently happening in Colorado and to better understand opportunities for partnerships and information sharing across the network. We will use this information to refine upcoming engagement opportunities as well as further define structures and strategies to accomplish our common goals.

The survey closes Friday, July 31. Once the survey is closed, we will share survey results with those who have completed the survey.


Thank you for your time!

Melissa Rary
CO Wildlife and Transportation Alliance Facilitator

Colorado Wildlife & Transportation Alliance Fact sheet_updated 070120.pdf