COSA Colorado Native Plant Society Virtual Webinars – Register Now

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Colorado Native Plant Society has two great webinars coming up. Check ’em out!

Ecosystems in Colorado’s Southeast Prairie
Saturday, August 15; 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Presenter: Carol English, M.S.

This webinar will focus on several ecosystems within the Western Great Plains Ecoregion, including the shortgrass prairie, shale barrens, sandhill shrubland, playas, and southwestern great plains canyon areas. We will focus on native plants and the animals that depend on them. We will also learn about the different types of rare plant communities that occur in these areas.

For further information and to register, please go to:!event/2020/8/15/conps-webinar-ecosystems-in-colorado-apos-s-southeast-prairie

Gardening with Native Plants Series: Wildscaping 101 – Native Plants for Birds
Sunday, August 30; 1:00-3:30 pm
Presenter: Kate Hogan, M.S.

Are you passionate about native plants and want to learn more about the ecological connections between our natives and our Colorado bird life? Join us for an engaging and exciting webinar on ways to diversify the birds found within your neighborhood or your own backyard using a variety of food groups provided by our native plants. We will review the newly created Native Plants for Birds handout that was designed in partnership between Denver Audubon, CoNPS, Audubon Rockies, and CSU Extension.

This webinar is designed for all skill levels of native plant enthusiasts. We will review some of the science behind the essential need for native plants within our landscape, and some of the native plants that can be planted in the fall.

For further information and to register, please go to:!event/2020/3/21/conps-workshop-gardening-with-native-plants-series-part-2-wildscaping-101-native-plants-for-birds

Space is still available in these webinars, but they are filling up fast! So, if you are interested in attending, be sure to signup soon.

We hope you’ll join us for these exciting learning opportunities!

Warm regards,

Kathleen Okon, M.S.
Workshop, Field Seminar & Webinar Coordinator
Colorado Native Plant Society

Denise C Wilson, Botanist
Colorado Native Plant Society Marketing & Events Coordinator