Hello all,
I wanted to invite you all to attend Colorado Trout Unlimited’s Virtual Rendezvous. This is a great opportunity to learn about coldwater/fisheries conservation efforts in Colorado, statewide stream management planning, outreach and educational opportunities, and more!
The conference is FREE and 100% virtual! Registration details below.

Geoff Elliot (he, him, his) | Youth Education Coordinator
office: (303)440.2937
cell: (860)510-3343
Dear Geoff,
Colorado TU will be holding its annual Rendezvous over a series of multiple sessions starting October 12, 2020. In the past, this has been an in-person event, but now we have created a virtual event that is free and open to everyone. If you are interested in learning about Colorado Trout Unlimited and the great work that is happening across the state to conserve, protect, and restore our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds, then this is for you.
Check out the session topics and times below and register for FREE today! All registered participants will receive a follow up email with access links to all sessions.
Can’t wait to see you there,
The CTU Team |
Thank you to our 2020 Rendezvous Sponsors! |
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