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Scott Severs
Natural Resources Senior Wildlife Technician
Public Works & Natural Resources | City of Longmont
Office303-774-4380 | Cell 720-204-0807
7 South Sunset Street | Longmont, Colorado 80501
From: Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism <>
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:59 AM
To: Scott Severs <>
Subject: [External] Challenges & Solutions to Keep Public Lands from being Loved to Death Part 2!
Challenges and Solutions to Keeping Parks and
Public Lands from being Loved to Death |
These days, it’s more important than ever to have a firm grasp of basic principles for the management of recreation on protected lands. Join us for a conversation with experts to discuss practical steps you can take to manage the impacts of outdoor recreation on the places you manage, live near, or love.
The 90-minute interactive panel discussion will provide practical guidance on a variety of ways park and protected area managers, non-profit organizations, and user groups can minimize the ecological impacts of outdoor recreation. Specific topics discussed will include:
- The consequences of concentrating and dispersing use.
- Temporal and spatial zoning to minimize conflict.
- Effective communication strategies.
The session will also include an opportunity to get expert advice on how to deal with specific outdoor recreation management challenges. Come with questions to pose to the panelists and take advantage of the opportunity.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
1-2:30 pm MT |
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