COSA Join The WIlderness Society for an all-day Day of Action to support 3 0x30

I am thrilled to invite you all to our 30×30 Day of Action! Tomorrow, our team will be on Zoom from 2-8pm MT with volunteers & people across the Western United States, hopping on throughout the day to make a big push for 30×30 legislation. We will be taking action in a variety of ways, including posting on social media, phonebanking, writing Letters to the Editor, and calling our Senators! We would love to have you join our Zoom event whenever you’re able! Below are the times and links for the specific actions that we will be taking as a team. We would love to see you for one or all of them!

Daytime Phonebank: 2-4pm MT

Zoom, Meeting ID: 982 6999 3836, Passcode: x3I398&<

Social Media Storm and LTE Extravaganza with friends from Nevada: 5-6pm MT

Zoom, Meeting ID: 965 3056 1346, Passcode: mQ$w#jA1

Evening Phonebank: 6-8pm MT

Zoom, Meeting ID: 965 3056 1346, Passcode: mQ$w#jA1

RSVP for a shift or two here and we will send you the relevant Zoom information

All you need to bring is yourself! We will teach you everything you need to know about 30×30 and train you on all grassroots tactics in the hopes of reaching 100 actions taken. We look forward to seeing Thursday!

Forward this email to friends and family to invite them!

