COSA Colorado Land Management Survey – Ending Soon – Please Participate!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Greetings COSA Members,

Just a friendly reminder to please participate in this survey! The survey will be ending soon, and your input is invaluable.

Given the significant increase in recreational use of Colorado’s public lands over the past twelve months due to COVID, many in the land management community have been challenged by the influx of visitors. A number of these visitors may be new to the outdoors, and novel solutions may be necessary to meet current recreational demands and address the associated impacts. As such, we are asking you to participate in a brief survey to share your opinions and insights.

This survey is intended for land managers, non-governmental organizations, recreation providers, and key stakeholders who are interested in and/or currently implementing locally-tailored and contemporary solutions to address current and emerging outdoor recreation-related impacts (e.g. camping impacts, wildlife impacts, pollution of water sources, trail erosion, overuse, parking issues, user conflict, etc.) found on Colorado’s public lands.

To participate, please visit: Colorado Land Management Survey

Your participation is voluntary and your responses are anonymous and confidential. You can stop at any time. This survey will take approximately 9 minutes to complete.

For information or questions about this survey, please contact Ben Lawhon, Director of Education and Research, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics: Ben

Lastly, we will be sharing the results broadly once the data collection and analysis are complete.

Thanks to those of you who have already taken the survey.

Ben Lawhon, MS | Director of Education and Research

Leave No Trace

Center for Outdoor Ethics

PO Box 997 | Boulder, CO 80306

P 303.442.8222 x104

F 303.442.8217



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