Executive Director
The Colorado Native Plant Society is seeking an Executive Director. The Colorado Native Plant Society is a Colorado 501(c)(3) Corporation with the mission of furthering the knowledge, appreciation and conservation of native plants and habitats of Colorado through education, stewardship and advocacy. It is managed primarily for and by volunteers to provide activities which engage, educate, stimulate, and create a positive experience for its members in achieving the mission.
This position is 0.5 FTE with an adjusted annual salary of $32,000-$35,000 (FTE $64,000-$70,000) depending on experience and qualifications.
The job description of Executive Director for the Colorado Native Plant Society (CoNPS) is attached.
To apply, send your resume or c.v. and cover letter via email to conpsoffice, or by postal mail to Colorado Native Plant Society, PO Box 200, Fort Collins, CO, 80522.
Ann M. Grant
Colorado Native Plant Society
Loveland, CO 80538
cell 970-481-3065 (call, text, voicemail)