COSA NOW HIRING | City of Greeley Natural Areas & Trails Tech II Position

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Afternoon everyone –

The City of Greeley Natural Areas & Trails Division has just posted an exciting opportunity to join our team as a Technician II:

The NAT Technician II position participates in a wide range of construction and maintenance projects and serves as the Division’s lead equipment operator and chemical applicator. This position will work closely with NAT staff to provide safe and well-maintained natural areas and trail corridors through general maintenance, vegetation management and public improvement projects.

Please share with anyone you think might be interested.



Justin Scharton


Culture, Parks & Recreation Dept | Natural Areas & Trails Division

321 N 16th Ave. | Greeley, CO 80631

O: 970.350.9412 | C: 970.590.1705