COSA Request for Proposal: Sign Standards and Messaging Manual in English and Spanish

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA community –

The Boulder County Parks & Open Space Department (BCPOS) is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced contractors for the development of a Sign Standards and Messaging Manual for Boulder County Parks & Open Space signs (Manual). The primary focus of the Manual shall include setting departmental standards for BCPOS’s numerous forms of public-facing signs and finding the most appropriate and impactful ways to reach and communicate onsite messages with the public, regardless of their primary language. The contractor will review and describe the types of signs currently used by BCPOS, make suggestions for improvements, and develop standards for each type of message. In addition, the Manual shall include standards for Spanish interpretation and transcreation for each major type of sign.

A link to the Request for Proposal can be found here.

Thank you for your time,

Obadiah Broughton

Project Coordinator and Planner

Project Management & Design

Boulder County Parks & Open Space

5201 St. Vrain Road, Longmont, CO 80503


303-918-2606 (cell)