COSA COSA Conference COVID Guidelines

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA community:

Plans for the 21st annual COSA conference at the Grand Hyatt in Vail are proceeding and we look forward to seeing many of you in person. The COSA Steering Committee is committed to holding a safe conference; see detailed COVID guidelines attached.

Bottom line:

  • proof of COVID vaccine or negative COVID test result required to attend
  • masks required indoors


  • Grand Hyatt staff are required to wear masks at all times
  • Session room assignments and room set up will take space and distance into account
  • PPE and sanitizing products will be available at registration

Registration is still open—standard pricing ends Sept. 19 and refunds are available until Sept. 20.

On behalf of the entire COSA Steering Committee,


Tina Nielsen | Special Projects Manager

Boulder County Parks and Open Space

(303) 678-6279 | tnielsen


COSA Conference COVID Guidelines.pdf