COSA DEADLINE EXTENDED: 2022 COSA Conference Sessions

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good afternoon COSA,

The deadline to submit conference session proposals has been extended to Wednesday, June 1!

We are specifically looking for sessions related to:

-Ranger Roles and Responsibilities

-Wildfire mitigation

-Leadership (This can be any type of leadership, not just for directors! Informal leadership, managing up, leading peers, etc. are all valid leadership topics.)

Please submit your session proposal at Request for Session Proposals – Colorado Open Space Alliance

For questions or help with the form, please contact Jenn Almstead at jalmstead

On behalf of the COSA Steering Committee,

Kristen May

Open Space Supervisor

City of Westminster



Office Hours: Monday- Thursday, 7 am to 6 pm