COSA Boulder Event: July 12 – Cooperation in Nature with Lynne Sullivan

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Hello All,

WHAT: Forest Walk with Interpretive Naturalist Lynne Sullivan
WHEN: Next Tuesday, July 12th, 9:30AM – 11:30AM
WHERE: Chautauqua Park Rangers Cabin, 900 Baseline, Boulder, CO, 80302

Come explore the intimately interconnected lives of the denizens of the Ponderosa Pine forest. This leisurely meander provides opportunity for deep relaxation as well as inspiring strategies for leading healthier lives, crafting cooperative communities, and coexisting in fire prone landscapes within a changing climate. A deeper understanding of forest ecology and our own role as a part of this ecology can help us envision a future in an ever-evolving landscape. The Boulder Watershed Collective, in collaboration with Interpretive Naturalist Lynne Sullivan, invite you to this exploration of nature as teacher.

Lynne Sullivan is a long time Interpretive Naturalist who enjoys exploring the Colorado Rockies, and sharing with others the beauty and wonder revealed in the lives of our wild kin and the places they call home.

This event is limited to 12 participants.



Feel free to reach out if you have any question or would like to connect with the Boulder Watershed Collective.

Thank you!


Cat Price

Project Manager
Boulder Watershed Collective
1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.
Boulder, Co. 80302
(c) 903-235-7754
(o) 303-449-3333

I recognize that the Boulder Creek watershed sits upon land within the territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho peoples. Further, I acknowledge that 48 contemporary tribal nations are tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado.