COSA Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership has openings for a paid inte rn, full-time coordinator, and volunteer board members

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hi COSA Partners,

The Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership is a non-profit organization in the northeast metro Denver area. We advocate for equitable outdoor access and engagement by offering free or low-cost education and experiences via the Sand Creek Regional Greenway- a 13-mile trail and wildlife corridor.

We have openings for two paid roles:

GenerationWild Education Intern

Outdoor Equity and Volunteer Coordinator

And have a Treasurer seat open on our volunteer board. Please find the attached descriptions for each open opportunity.


Mo (She/her)

Monique Fair

Executive Director

Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership


7350 E. 29th Ave. Suite 300

Denver, CO 80239


Donate | Sand Creek Regional Greenway (

Education Intern Generation Wild.pdf

Outdoor Equity and Volunteer Program Coordinator Job Description (2).pdf

Treasurer Role Description.pdf