Research, Education, and Conservation Projects Supporting Colorado Non-Game Wildlife

2023 Lois Webster Fund Grants Available
for Research, Education, and Conservation Projects
Supporting Colorado Non-Game Wildlife |
Deadline: January 31, 2023 |
We are pleased to announce that Denver Audubon’s Lois Webster Fund (LWF) is now soliciting grants in support of Colorado non-game wildlife research, education, and conservation projects.
The Committee is accepting grant proposals through January 31, 2023. A maximum of $13,490 funding is available in the coming project year. Grantees will be notified by early March 2023 and the funds dispersed in time for the spring field season.
Now available online are the LWF grant 2023 Guidelines, Requirements and Application. The LWF Guidelines require partnering with other organizations. The grantee is expected to provide the leadership and coordination to obtain additional funding and to involve others. |
2022 Research, Education, and Conservation Projects |
· Preserving Migratory Bird Populations in the City and County of Denver (City and County of Denver, Department of Parks and Recreation, $6,000)
· Understanding the Effects of Trophic Interactions on Mountain Plover Brood Habitat Selection and Survival (MS candidate Casey Weissburg, $2,000)
· Northern Red Belly Dace Recovery Project (Ocean First Institute, $3,825) |
For more information and questions:
Polly Reetz
polly.reetz4 |
Please circulate this announcement to colleagues and others who may be interested in the Lois Webster Fund Grant Program.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 31, 2023 |