COSA Jeffco Open Space 10 month Limited-Term Positions

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA community,

It was brought to my attention that the hyperlinks were not working so lets try this again.

Jefferson County Open Space is excited to announce that we are currently accepting applications for all of our Trails 10 month Limited-Term (LTE) positions. We have three different types of LTE positions this year a general trail construction and maintenance, volunteer crew lead, and a Trails Stewardship Team supervisor. All these positions will work throughout Jefferson County Open Space Lands. If you or somebody you know are interested please visit our website:–10-Month-_R-2947–Trails-Technician-10-Month-_R-4925

Thank You,

Jason Crum

Trails Team Lead, South Region

303.271.5979, 720.635.6833 cell,