COSA Jeffco Open Space – Limited-term Job, Natural Resource Technician

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

COSA Community—

The Jefferson County Open Space Natural Resources team is excited to announce an opportunity to join our team for the 2023 field season.

We currently have a limited-term Natural Resources Technician position open to support our Inventory & Monitoring and Resource Management teams. Ideal candidates will have experience in working with native and non-native species that are associated with the Colorado Front Range (wildlife and plant species). Experience performing natural resource survey methodologies, integrated pest management, using mobile mapping software and ArcGIS to collect spatial resource data, reporting data, and a willingness to work safely as part of a team. This position operates on our four-day work week (Monday-Thursday, 7:00am-5:30pm).

This posting closes on March 30th.

For more information and to apply, please see the link below:

Anthony Massaro, CERP

Natural Resources Senior Specialist – Plant Ecology

o 303.271.5927 | c 970.389.3684 |