COSA USGS Summer Field Work Job Posting

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

COSA members & friends,

The USGS will be hiring several student contractors this summer to support an urban forestry study funded by NASA. Thanks for sharing with your networks.

In partnership,

Dana Coelho
dana.coelho / 303-349-9807

From: Ibsen, Peter C <>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 12:47 PM
To: Warziniack, Travis W -FS <>; Coelho,Dana <>
Subject: USGS Summer Field Work Job Posting

** Caution: EXTERNAL Sender **

Hello DUFS Buddies, we have finally got our funds transferred from NASA so now we are able to actually hire a field crew for our summer urban field work (sampling micrometerological conditions at bus stops around Denver).

Right now we are looking to hire approximately four individuals as Student Contractors for roughly six weeks (the field season will be roughly from from July 3rd to August 11th ), and pay will be from $16.20 – 25/ hr depending on experience and education. I have attached a job advertisement and statement of work.

I’ve sent this to colleagues (Ben, Priyanka, Aditi) at CU Denver, CU Boulder, and CSU, but since the summer field season is very close, I want to make sure our reach is extended as far as possible. If you know any students interested in some good paid summer work let them know about the posting and to apply (i.e within the next two weeks and the sooner the better! summer is coming fast). And feel free to forward the job posting and narrative to any other groups who may be interested.

The only major caveat is that applicants have to be U.S. citizens. And if you have any questions about the job/project let me know!


Peter Ibsen, PhD

Research Ecologist. United States Geological Survey
Geosciences & Environmental Change Science Center

Denver, CO

(360) 317-5602 (Cell)

USGS _ NASA – student contractor Job ad.docx

USGS _ NASA_StatementofWork.docx